Sunday, August 24, 2008

Zombie Page

Here is a page zombie story I'm working on called "Mouthbreather".


These are some inking samples from the "Cadejo" pencils I posted earlier. I included the lettering balloons but took out the text ( got to save something for later).

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Saturday, August 23, 2008


Romantic Secrets

Here is another example from last year's art show. I decided to redo it. I mostly wanted to tighten up the inking but I think the lettering was bothering me the most.

So I redrew it and it looked like this:

Scanned it in and did the lettering and coloring in Illustrator and Photoshop:

I added a half-tone filter to give it a vintage look. But after looking at the original again, I decided to try and replace my half-assed lettering with some digital work. I know that digital lettering can never really capture the artistry of working by hand, but for people like me, it really saves precious working hours. I'm still trying to master the old fashioned method, but for now, the only lettering I feel confident to show people is done digitally. So here is the original again, with new lettering and color.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Science Fiction Horror #8

I had an art show at the Belmont in Hamtramck back in November, the theme of which was comic covers of the Silver Age of comics. I tried to duplicate the style of the era but really bit off more than I could chew. Not only was I trying to advance my pencilling and inking skills, but I was also teaching myself to letter by hand. I did eleven covers in all, and I have to say that quality was sacrificed to meet the deadline of the opening.
So now I am going back and redoing the covers and applying what I've learned since then. Here is an example cover from November:

For starters, the inking is terrible, the perspective is wonky. I like the woman though and the premise is good. So I gave it another shot, this time I saved the lettering for Adobe Illustrator:

Pretty good, I think, but the man's face didn't come out right. Whenever I'm inking, I sometimes tend to get carried away, adding embellishments that don't really add much besides clutter. So fooled with it in Photoshop and added the letters in Illustrator. I'm very happy with the end result:

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Juan Pepe

This is something I did for my brother's 30th birthday.  As you can see, he is jamming with Lemmy Kilmister, Keith Moon and Phil Lynott.  After my brother saw it he surmised that they must be playing Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom", as that is the only song requiring three bassists.  
The original is black and white so I used this to try my hand at coloring in Photoshop.  Nothing too fancy, just working out the basics.  I also scanned in a zip-a-tone and used it for the speaker grill on the Marshall cab.  I made it into a pattern in Photoshop so I can use it whenever.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sketch of the Day

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Here are pencils for a comic I'm working on for "Watchdog Magazine". I'll upload inks and letters as I go. Enjoy.

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